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Main institution contact number information

Main institution contact number

Main institution contact number
Name of institution Contact number
Jecheon city-hall 043-641-5114
Jecheon police station 043-643-0112
Jecheon fire station 043-646-0119
Jecheon synthesis tourist information center 043-652-5681
Northern-chungcheong-do tourist information center 043-233-8433
Information desk of Cheongju international airport 043-210-6616
Jecheon Seoul hospital 043-642-7602
Oriental medicine hospital affiliated with Semyeong university 043-649-1843

Transportation information

Transportation Information
Name of vehicles Contact number
Jecheon station 043)643-7788
Jecheon intercity bus terminal 043)644-5533
Jecheon express bus terminal 043)648-3182
Gangnam express bus terminal(Seoul) 02)535-4151
Jecheon transport 043)646-2955
Jecheon Yeongtong 043)646-8601
Rose of sharon sightseeing 043)645-3600
Jinyang sightseeing 043)648-8300
Cheongpungmyeongwal sightseeing 043)648-8686